• Question: If the earth went out of its orbit"oval" would we be melted or frozen depends which dirrection we travel

    Asked by minecraftBMG40 to Ashley, Bernard, Carsten, MariaMagdalena, Monique on 16 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Monique Henson

      Monique Henson answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      If the Earth moved closer to the Sun it would get warmer and if it moved further away it would get colder. That means you’re right – we would be melted or frozen depending on the direction we travelled in. At the moment, we’re in what’s called the Habitable Zone (sometimes called the Goldilocks zone). That means we’re just the right distance away that water is a liquid on Earth. If we were too close, then it could too hot for water to be a liquid and it would be a gas. If we were too far away then it would freeze.
