• Question: how does it feel to test how to crash cars have you ever injured yourself or your colleges

    Asked by livi to Bernard on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Bernard Ennis

      Bernard Ennis answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      I have never crash tested a car myself as this only happens in special laboratories and the testing is usually done by the car makers. We do have a drop test here where we drop a heavy weight from about 14feet onto parts made of our steel and film the results in slow motion. That is pretty cool, although it is always a shock how fast it is. The speed is around 30mph which feels slow when you’re in a car, but it’s actually very fast. When we do these tests we make sure that there is no chance that anyone can get hurt and there is a big cage around the machine. In crash tests they have even stricter rules and no-one is allowed inside the test bay and the passengers in the cars are special dummies with sensors on them to measure what forces are experienced in the crash.
