• Question: whats the best thing to study at university to do with science?

    Asked by regan to Ashley, Bernard, Carsten, MariaMagdalena, Monique on 14 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Ashley Hughes

      Ashley Hughes answered on 14 Nov 2015:

      I doubt we can or should tell you that, it is entirely dependent on what you enjoy and where you want to be!

      The only thing I would say is don’t go get a degree for the sake of a degree, it is fine to go back to education later on and plenty of people do

    • Photo: Maria Magdalena Razalan

      Maria Magdalena Razalan answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      Hello @regan, there are so many courses among which you can choose if you wish to pursue a scientific career!
      It all depends on what you like the most (Biology? Chemistry? Physics? Maths?and many more)…

      In my case I studied 3 years of Biotechnology (how to use living biological systems to produce stuff, from nutrients and medicines, to food and dyes as well as for useful eco-friendly applications) and did a Master’s course in Industrial Biotechnology (how to use the biological technologies to produce industrial products/processes)!
